published book “Crown and Throne: A Field Guide to Spiritual Revolution,” which has gained widespread popularity across the nation.
In addition, they have authored numerous prophetic teachings which have appeared on the Elijah List, in Charisma Magazine and other publications. Their online blog, LAMPostings is focused on sharing real-time prophetic revelation and prayer points from Washington DC, and is regularly enjoyed by thousands.
Many have been inspired by Jon and Jolene’s personal story. They were married on December 20, 2003—the first day of Hanukkah. In honor of the Jewish “Festival of Lights,” Jon and Jolene had purchased a menorah for a special unity candle ceremony. During worship, the unity candle started to flicker and then blaze—all by itself! God sovereignly lit the unity candle of their menorah, on the first day of Hanukkah, in front of a church full of invited guests!
Biblically, fire is a symbol of God’s affirmation of covenant consecration. And this message of covenant consecration and commitment has become a prominent focus of their ministry.
Lamplighter Ministries was formally established in 2007 as a catalyst for Christ’s dream of awakening and transformation. In 2014, they also became owners and directors of Burning Lamp Media and Publishing.
If you would like to invite Jon and Jolene to minister at your church or event, please click here.
In addition to Lamplighter Ministries, Jon and Jolene served for 7 years as state and mid-Atlantic leaders with both the Reformation Prayer Network (RPN), founded by Dr. Cindy Jacobs, and the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN), founded by Dr. John Benefiel.
Beginning with the launch of Davids Tent DC in 2012, Jon and Jolene have served as prayer coordinators of this 24-7 worship expression on the White House Ellipse. Davids Tent, founded by Jason Hershey, has hosted some 50,000 worshipers and intercessors throughout the three years in which this 40 day gathering has been facilitated.
Jon and Jolene are also honored to be among the “emerging leaders” of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. For more than a decade, the ACPE prophetic roundtable has been convened by Dr. Cindy Jacobs to seek the Lord and share corporate insights for times ahead.
Jon and Jolene reside in metro Washington DC, where they have served full-time with Lamplighter Ministries since 2007.
Jon was formerly on staff with Generals International, founded by Cindy Jacobs, and the International House of Prayer, founded by Mike Bickle. Jon also served from 2003-2007 as a photographer/graphic designer with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Jolene Hamill was a sought-after mortgage broker in the metro DC area for more than a decade. She invested in intensive ministry training and mentoring in prophetic expression, healing and deliverance during this time.
Ordination and Alignment
Jon & Jolene were ordained by James W. Goll on Pentecost 2010, during a special consecration service at the Global Day of Prayer in Herrnhut, Germany. People from many nations gathered for this special “Lampstand Convergence” with a goal to see the global Moravian lampstand reset and relit.
Since July 2012, Lamplighter Ministries has been aligned with Global Spheres, an apostolic network founded by Chuck Pierce and C. Peter Wagner.
Lamplighter Ministries is a non-profit corporation guided by Jon, Jolene and a board of trustees. Trustees include Dr. Martin Frankena, from Reisterstown MD; Bill and Marlene Brubaker, from Edmonds WA; and David & Tracy Ruleman, veteran pastors and leaders in metro Washington DC. Lamplighter Ministries received 501-C(3) status recognized by the IRS effective December 2008. All donations made to Lamplighter Ministries are tax deductible.
Jolene and I are grateful for the generosity of partners whose intercession and gifts make this ministry possible at such a vital hour of our history.
Jon and Jolene Hamill are passionate followers of Jesus Christ. They love to share His heart and word nationally and internationally through ministry and media. Founders of Lamplighter Ministries, they reside in the metro Washington DC area.
Jon and Jolene have ministered in conferences and churches throughout America, as well as internationally in Canada, Germany, Sierra Leone and Israel. They are the authors of the recently-