







The Time Has Come For Another Great Youth Awakening!
Forty years ago in 1967 the Jesus Movement broke out, a youth revival starting on the streets that swept across the country, exploding in college campuses and coffee houses. People were being saved everywhere. It was radical for its day. Can we not believe for something even greater in our day?
It was also during this phase—in 1967—that the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, one of the largest movements in neo-Pentecostal history, got its start. A group of professors at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh sparked a fire among their students after they themselves were baptized in the Holy Spirit, and the fire quickly spread to Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana and then to the University of Michigan. From there it spread around the world.
Though this charismatic move had its beginning in a Catholic university, it was not limited to it. Thousands upon thousands from mainline Protestant denominations were ushered into fresh encounters with Jesus including the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Prayer gatherings resulted. Healings occurred. Celebrations of praise were the hallmark as Jesus was welcomed back into His rightful place.
In 1967, through a Middle Eastern war and by the supernatural hand of God, Jerusalem was taken and once again brought under the control of the Jewish people and the state of Israel. This was a signpost in the shifting of eras. The dispensation of the times of the Gentiles was now beginning to shift to the times when Jerusalem will become the last days’ focus for God’s activity in the earth.
How about a time of consecration with prayer and fasting where we join Israel’s believers crying out to God that they would see their Messiah and that they would begin to receive their greatest spiritual awakening since the days of the Apostles? Why not?
Now 40 years later we are crying, do it again God, way beyond the Jesus Movement! Way beyond the charismatic movement! Why not the Greatest Youth Awakening the World has ever seen? Do it again, God! Do it again in this generation!
Testimony of Evan Roberts and the Welsh Revival of 1904
At the age of 13 young Evan began to seek the Lord. At the age of 26 Revival came to his hometown. He taught the people to pray two simple prayers. “Send the Spirit now for Jesus Christ sake.” The second prayer was similar. “Send the Spirit now more powerfully for Jesus Christ sake.”
Indeed, God’s Spirit came down and 100,000 souls were swept up into God’s Kingdom. Today, a cry is arising - “More Lord!” Yes, there must be a youth revolution come as it was with Evan Roberts.
Read article from Christian History Biography Issue 83 Summer 2004 page11.
Campus Ministry Cambridge Style
An evangelical move of the Holy Spirit began at King’s College, Cambridge, in 1799 with the conversion of Charles Simeon. This slowly progressed to where by 1877; there was enough evangelical activity that students from across Cambridge’s 17 colleges organized the Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union. This resulted in the likes of student leader J. E. K. Studd inviting D. L Moody and Ira Sankey to come and minister resulting in increase of salvations, enrollment in Theology Schools and involvement in missions.
Read article from Christian History Biography Issue 88 Fall 2005 page13.
(Four recommended books for more on this subject areRevival Fire by Wesley Duewel, The Classics of Revival By Robert Blackhouse, Campus Aflame by J. Edwin Orr and Revival – Its Principles and Personalities by Winkie Pratney.)
Revolutions Always Start on Campuses
Almost every revolution started with students on college and university campuses. From Nazism, Communism and Marxism to the great university missionary movement such as the Moravian missionaries, the Azuza Street Revival and the Jesus People movement, every revolution – bad or good – started with or had a great influence on students who were hungry for change and willing to lay down their lives for a cause.
Throughout history almost all great revivals and missionary movements started on campus.
The campus is where the future leaders of tomorrow are located, trained and most available.
Statistics show that more than 77 percent of all Christians make a decision for Christ before the age of 21.
There are more than 550,000 international students who attend American universities and 600,000 more worldwide in foreign universities who will be the future leaders of their nations.
If we can reach the campus, we can reach our cities and the nations for Christ.
Is there not a cause? Is there not a cause today to fight for the dying souls of a lost generation? (Quoted from The Blueprint by Jaeson Ma on page 35, 36)
Primary Scriptures
1 Timothy 1:18 –
This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare…
Joel 2:28-29 –
And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.
Psalm 110:1-4 –
The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at My right hand until I make Thine enemies a footstool for Thy feet.” The Lord will stretch forth Thy strong scepter from Zion, saying, “Rule in the midst of Thine enemies.” Thy people will volunteer freely in the day of Thy power; in holy array, from the womb of the dawn, Thy youth are to Thee as the dew.
Excerpt from The Elijah Revolution:
This Psalm is structured as if God the Father is speaking to His Son while David, the psalmist, observes and narrates. Verse 2 says that the Messiah’s “strong scepter” will “stretch forth” from “Zion”. In the Scriptures, the word Zion is used in several different ways. One of its most common meanings is in reference of the city of God in the messianic age. It is the time and where His people will be glorified. Zion also can refer to the whole assembly of God’s people- the believing Jews of the old covenant as well as the Body of Christ of the new covenant- among whom he lives and works.
From this perspective, this psalm pictures a coming day when a transference of authority will be given by God to Zion- His covenant people- through Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah, and they will rule with Him even in the midst of enemies. In that future “day of (Messiah’s) power” His people will “volunteer freely… in holy array.” A great host of believers will willingly abandon themselves to their Lord and walk in holiness and consecration to carry out His will and accomplish His purpose.
Prophetic utterances strengthen our resolve in prayer and obedience as it provides significant focus. When prophecy (Biblical or personal) is neglected the prayer movement is weakened.
Bob Jones’ Encounter with Angels – Aug. 7, 1975
Bob Jones was born in 1929 and grew up in the hills of Arkansas. He had two angelic experiences in his youth at the age of 9 and 15. Bob did not fully meet the Lord though until the age of 39.
Bob was shown two angels who spoke about an outpouring of the Spirit (like an atomic explosion of light) that would be characterized with prophetic and intercession. Then in January, 1984 the Lord showed Bob that “prophetic and intercession” would need to be joined with “compassion and worship” to be complete. This revealed the purpose of cross pollination.
The combination of these anointings would result in releasing revival in the Church, power evangelism (world missions), justice in society, pockets of mercy (“cities of refuge”) and worldwide intercession for Israel.
This outpouring of the Holy Spirit would be the result of a worldwide youth movement that functions in intercession being led and strengthened by prophetic singers and musicians. The first anointing will be on prophetic singers and musicians leading to an “open heaven.” In the years of 1975-1983, Bob Jones was given over 100 prophetic revelations of a world wide youth movement rising up.
Bob was brought back from a death experience so that he could be used to anoint the next generation leaders who would help usher in one billion souls into the Kingdom of God.
James W. Goll’s Encounter in 1995
I was given an intense dream and visionary experience in 1995, where I saw stadiums filled with young people radically praising God, A piercing word came, “Out of the belly of the Promised Keepers movement, shall come forth a Youth Extravaganza that will rock the nations. The stadiums will be filled!
The stadiums will be filled as out of the belly of the Promised Keepers movement shall come forth a Youth Extravaganza that will rock the nations!” The central focus will be the cross of Jesus lifted high for all to see. These gathering will occur across the nations as an unprecedented move of worship, prayer and fasting sweeps the nations.
Key Scripture
Luke 18:7-8 NASB - Will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry out to Him day and night…? I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. Luke 18: 7 – 9 NIVShall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him. . . ? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily.
Why Should Prayer and Worship Arise 24/7 Today?
24/7 Worship and Prayer is Done in Heaven – Let it be Done on Earth!
24/7 Worship and Prayer Releases God’s Justice on the Earth!
24/7 Worship and Prayer Fuels the Great Commission
24/7 Worship and Prayer Hinders the Plans of the Devil
24/7 Worship and Prayer Releases Revival Breakthrough
24/7 Worship and Prayer Prepares the Way for Christ’s Second Coming
The Role of Prayer in Student Revivals
In order to understand revival, we must understand the role of prayer in campus revival history. J. Edwin Orr, the famous revival historian said, “Young people in student led prayer cells have been at the forefront in almost every awakening.” The Moravian 24/7 prayer and missionary movement, for example, was started in 1727 by Ludwig Von Zinzendorf. At the age of 16, Zinzendorf graduated from halle School after having started no fewer than 7 different prayer groups, and he continued his prayer disciplines while he was a student at the University of Wittenberg from 1716 to 1719.
The First Great Awakening that swept hundreds of thousands into the Kingdom in Europe and North America were ignited by a Yale University graduate named Jonathan Edwards, and by Oxford students John Wesley and George Whitfield at Oxford University in 1729. The Second Great Awakening was sparked by Timothy Dwight, the grandson of Jonathan Edwards, at Yale University in his 1797 message to Yale students. Nearly half of Yale’s student body came to Christ in a few short months.
The Student Volunteer Missionary movement, which sent more than 20,000 college students overseas on foreign missions during the span of a few decades, was started by Samuel Mills and the Haystack 5 at Williams College, Massachusetts, in 1806. It was five students, praying under a haystack on a rainy day for revival and world missions, saying, “If we will, we can!” The rest is history and the list of student revivalists goes on.
Will you be the next one to change campus revival history? If so, the key is extraordinary revival prayer.
Practical Connection Points
Make history with us by being a part of the Prayer Storm weekly thrust targeting the Greatest Youth Awakening the World has Ever Seen. Visitwww.prayerstorm.com to sign up.
Go to www.campustransformation.com andwww.campusamerica.org to get more practical information on networking and how to start a 24/7 campus house of prayer.
Go to www.thecall.com to receive information on participating in one of many regional, national and international calls for solemn assemblies with worship, prayer and fasting around the world.
Want A Harvest?
Key Scripture Psalm 144:12 NASB Let our sons in their youth be as grown-up plants, And our daughters as corner pillars as fashioned for a palace.
Excerpt from The Elijah Revolution: Our barns will be filled with every kind of provision Our sheep will increase by thousands, by tens of thousands in our fields (Psalm 144:13)
The need of the hour is great. Where are the spiritual fathers and mothers who will pray in the spirit of Elijah, “God, give me a spiritual son or daughter?” Where are the “elders” who will bless those children with their time, knowledge, and every good thing that God has given them? Where are the mentors who will share their life with those children, knowing that generational transfer is about impartation and not just information? Where will the sons and daughters find spiritual parents who will dream with them and for them help them tap into their God-given passions and destiny, encourage them and intercede for them?
Responsibility fosters maturity while maturity leads to greater responsibility. The Elijah Revolution calls for a joining of the generations. This means, in part, the promise of the fathers and mothers to treat their sons as grown-up plants and their daughters as corner pillars in the palace of the king. It means the commitment of spiritual parents to speak wisdom and strength and vision into the lives of their “children”. It means imparting blessing by a spoken word or a meaningful touch, by giving them a high appraisal of their value, by helping them envision their future in the family of God. It means helping with the practical steps, providing necessary resources, and releasing authority to them to accomplish their God-given commission.
Prayer for Youth Awakening
Lord, we call forth in our day and in this generation, the Greatest Youth Awakening the world has ever seen. You have done it before, now do it again! Release a move of God that will usher in one billion souls into Your kingdom for Jesus Christ’s sake. Send revival now! Move quickly Holy Spirit and raise up the greatest youth prayer army of all time. We declare that these prayers are in agreement with Your prophetic purposes for this generation and we praise Your holy name! Amen and Amen!