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Bringing Heaven to Earth Through Agreement

Greetings to You in the Glorious Name of Jesus!

When we apply the second commandment by "loving one another," an environment is created into which heaven can come into agreement with earth. By applying the scriptural insights in today's article, you are sure to make your prayers, and the prayers of your community, more effective. We encourage you to join us in our Prayer Storm focus this week for the hour that changes the world. Mark Roye, International Director of Compassion Acts, has recently returned from one of his most fulfilling missions excursions partnering with Freedom's Promise in Cambodia. Therefore this week, Mark is bringing a Compassion Acts Update – Making a Lasting Impact. We invite you to partner with Compassion Acts for the Christmas Bless a Child Outreach. The audio message featured below, The Orchestra of Prayer, augments today's article as well as our ongoing Prayer Storm efforts across the nations. We encourage you to listen and share it with others! Also, if you missed it, it's not too late to read the article, Surrendering Your Senses to the Holy Spirit, from earlier this month.

This has been one of the busiest and most fruitful seasons I have had in some time. Recently I have had the joy of ministering at conferences and churches in New Jersey, Texas, North Carolina, Missouri, Montana, British Columbia and Ontario, Canada. In addition, each Monday night, we have hosted the two hour live webinar onReleasing Spiritual Gifts Today. It's not too late to sign up! On top of all this, I am also teaching a five part series on The Office of a Prophet at Grace Center's School of Supernatural Life on Tuesdays. Thanks for your prayers in these amazing days. Remember, Together in Jesus, We Make a Great Team!

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