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The Coming Worldwide Youth Awakening

Greetings to You in Jesus Great Name!

50 years ago a youth revival swept across the United States bringing thousands of young people to Jesus and turning the nation upside down. It is that time again. Only this time, we are turning the corner towards the Greatest Youth Awakening the World Has Ever Seen! In today's article I highlight significant features of past revolutions and how we can help bring forth the next imminent youth revival.

Don't miss the free audio message below by Jon and Jolene Hamill of Lamplighter Ministries on The Glory Train in the Land. Beginning July 1st, Jon and Jolene Hamill will become the new International Directors of Prayer Storm, while I remain the Founder and Father. I am thrilled that the Lord has raised them up to carry this ministry into the next season.

Recently I made a short trip to Charlotte, NC to tape a TV Show with Sid Roth for It's Supernatural last week. While there I got to have dinner with my lifetime friends Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda of All Nations Church.

If you missed the message on 3 Trends of the Holy Spirit or the audio message that I recently did at Randy Clark's Voice of the Prophets on Trends, they are still available at or at James Goll on iTunes.

James Medical Recovery Update

When one door closes another one opens if you keep on asking and keep on knocking. Thankfully, I have now begun Physical Therapy with a Personal Trainer twice a week at Temple Fitness, and have enrolled in a 90 day nutritional program under their oversight to help restore my overall health.

I must still take a rather slow pace as the damage from the sciatic nerve still has a long ways to go to come into full restoration and healing. So I will only be doing one public ministry trip a month. Since I do not qualify for any form of government assistance for medical help such as Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security disability benefits, contributions to the ministry help to fill in all the gaps!

Thank you each and everyone for continuing to stand with me personally and the ministry of EN. If each person who receives this communications wouldgive a one-time or monthly gift of $10, it would make a big difference. Thank you for praying, giving and standing with me until the recovery is complete.

Remember, Together in Jesus, We Make a Great Team!

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