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Effective Prayers from 7 Modern-Day Prophets

Blessings to You in the Glorious Name of Jesus!

Do you want to pray a perfect prayer that the Father cannot refuse? Then pray the Word of God. I asked 6 of my prophetic friends - Cindy Jacobs, Patricia King, Stacey Campbell, Lou Engle, Mickey Robinson and Beth Alves - which scriptures they pray regularly, and their responses included an arsenal of intercession that I'm excited to pass on to you in today's article! Along with the article we've included a timeless audio message by Dutch Sheets below. It's not too late to listen to my previous audio message, Invoking the Blessing. If you haven't yet done so, you can also order my latest book, Finding Hope, and enter the Find Hope sweepstakes for a free trip to Nashville for our conference on February 25-27 at

I want to give honor to whom honor is due. This week I attended the Memorial services of James Ryle of Truth Works Ministries located here in TN. James was the prophetic voice who helped birth the Promise Keepers Movement and the one who delivered the momentous word on the Sons of Thunder. Seems to me that we are losing too many of our chief prophetic voices. I guess that just means it is time for others to step to the plate!

For those of you who live in the United States, I trust that you had an enjoyable celebration of Thanksgiving with family and friends.

Here is a picture of me with my four adult children, their spouses, and my grandchildren whom I had the joy of hosting in my home! This does not happen often, so it was a true treat. Blessings to each of you in this Holiday season of both Hanukah and Christmas. And always remember the poor for whom Jesus died. Remember, Together in Jesus, We Make a Great Team


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